MVF ganha o prêmio de melhor uso de vídeo no Biddable Media Awards 2021

Ontem à noite, no UK Biddable Media Awards, MVF ganhou a categoria de Melhor Uso de Vídeo!

The application showcased how at the beginning of March 2020, MVF’s YouTube team were sitting on a successful video format they intended to repeat month after month – using expert audiologists explaining the benefits of high-tech hearing aids to a 45+ year old audience to generate leads for our global hearing aid clients. By featuring real doctors, they’d found high engagement, trust and conversion, plus a great source of high-quality customers for our clients. 

Then lockdown struck, homeworking was introduced, and the prospect of filming was taken off the cards for good. Never a team to shy away from a challenge, the YouTube team worked with our Creative Services team to take the principles of the best performing videos and create a new animation format from their home offices which generated 10 million impressions, 600,000 views and 4,300 conversions and counting.

MVF beat stiff competition from Neo Media World and Sage to take the top spot. Well done to everyone involved!